Serving the Janesville & Beloit areas with excellent driver education since 1972.

Drive responsibly. Stay alive.

Frequently asked questions.


Do I need to take a driver education course in Wisconsin?

How do I know if my class has been canceled due to weather?

How do I know if my behind the wheel lesson has been canceled due to weather.

How do I schedule my behind the wheel driving lessons?

How do I cancel a BTW driving lesson I have scheduled?

How long does the driver education classroom portion last?

Where can I take my driver license test?

Where are your offices located?


Do I need to take a driver education course in Wisconsin?

Yes! In order to become a safe, responsible driver, it is important you take a Wisconsin-certified driver education course. Rock Valley Driver School offers this course in Janesville and Beloit, Wisconsin. Check out our drivers ed Services page to learn more.

How do I know if my class has been canceled due to weather?

If we have to cancel classes due to weather, we post our closing on WCLO/WJVL no later than 1 hour prior to the start of class.  We will also send an email to all students in class who have provided us with their email address. 

How do I know if my behind the wheel lesson has been canceled due to weather.

If weather causes bad road conditions and it is not safe to be on the road, you will be contacted by the instructor with whom you have your scheduled lesson.  Be sure to check your voice messages after school if weather looks unfavorable.

How do I schedule my behind the wheel driving lessons?

You can schedule all your drive times online! Simply create a student account, purchase your desired package, and start scheduling! You can select drive times from those available in your region.

You schedule all of your BTW driving lessons online through your student account that you created when you enrolled for your driver education course.

Log into your student account and view all lessons available. You can schedule up to 2 lessons at at time.  Then as you complete a lesson, log back into your student account and schedule the next lesson.

Your student account even allows you to sign up for reminders for your lessons, either by text message or email.

How do I cancel a BTW driving lesson I have scheduled?

You cancel all driving lessons the same way you schedule your BTW drivng lessons-trhrough your student account that you created when you enrolled for your driver education course. Log into your student account and cancel the lesson that you cannot attend, the system will remind you of a late notice cancelation if cancelling in less that 24 hours. 


How long does the driver education classroom portion last?

Our classroom driver education program consists of fifteen, two hour periods. You must attend (or make up) all periods in order to successfully complete the classroom course and move on to your behind the wheel driving lessons. View upcoming driver education classroom courses in Janesville and Beloit, WI.

Where can I take my driver license test?

Your local Wisconsin DMV is where you will take your driver license test. Locate a DMV near you.

Where are your offices located?

Rock Valley Driver School has two convenient locations: Janesville & Beloit. We serve many of the surrounding communities with over 40 years of exceptional driver education services. Please visit our contact page to get in touch with us!



Beloit Drivers Ed Services Janesville Drivers Ed Services